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The End...

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The End...

12. 12. 2018

Well this is it. None of us wanted that, but we have to end. It's sad, because this year just flew away and we need some time for a break to get ready for the next year. It has been five years since we founded our company and next year, is the year of our biggest projects. So we have to prepare for that.

We learned a lot from the last year. Our manufacturing and warehouse capacities were significantly expanded, we bought another CNC machines, builded our own surface finishing workshop and we started to print parts on 3D printer (+ we also add to our offer materials for 3D printing and we are negotiating about cooperation with front 3D printer producer). December was month, where we started our own polymer workshop, where we have polymer injectors and mold production. Through this year, we added a lot of new products to our offer and we also started the most important cooperation with DHL shipping company.

We were also able to finish our key products, mostly Gearboxes for SOPMOD, Amoeba or Next gen pistons, unbreakable tappet plates and much more.

But same as other companies, we are missing on human resources. We have actually 7 employees and we could use even three more, so if someone of you is interested...

We would like to point out, that this is the last chance to buy our products for the old prices. This happens because of huge demand on aluminum and that makes this material much more expensive than before. So do not wait and make an orders on our products for the 2018 prices (this applies even on pre-orders), because we have a thousands of parts on surface finishing. Unfortunatly, we do not have capacities to stock our products in this year and closest term is in 2019 (when we have adjust the cost of our products up).

There is also 5% discount for the registered customers on our internet store and there is 21% VAT free option for customers outside of EU.

Last orders will be shipped on 21.12., but delivery date of these orders is impossible before the christmas. Other new orders will be shipped after 2.1.2019.

Thanks for your patience and we belive, that 2019 year will be better than this one, full of exciting news.

Hanka, Head Director of company.

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