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We bought another CNC milling machine

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We bought another CNC milling machine

24. 07. 2018

We needed to expand our manufacturing capacity, so we bought another milling machine, the fourth one from American manufacturer Haas. This new machine finally arrived and with help of two cranes, there was not a problem to get it into our factory. Moving it into our big (and yet now small) workshop took us about 3 hours to get in to the right spot. We want to thanks for cooperation with Haas Automation, transport company Westrans, carcranes Šibor, Heavylift Moving Victory, Zdeněk and Retro FACTORY s.r.o. employees for great, non-problematic delivery and completation of the machine.

This machine has desk of 1016 x 508mm, includes 4 axis and it is ready to go make some of your favourited airsoft parts.


Thanks to that, our manufacturing capacity of RetroArms products can expand of 30%, which leads to the faster procuts in stock in our internet store.

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