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Another versions of our CNC POM Tappet Plates

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Another versions of our CNC POM Tappet Plates

03. 05. 2018

We are preparing our factory for manufacturing another versions of our very resilient and flexible tappet plates made from POM material. These tappet plates are not made by injecting material into the molds, but they are milled on CNC machines.

News for May of 2018:

Why won't we use mold injection? Because this technology is completely inappropriate for this kind of product, mostly because of shape of the tappet plate. When you inject material into the molds, there is always problem with cooling (there is temperature about 200 - 300°C during injection) and this makes shape deformations. These defomations can be seen mostly near front part where sits nozzle and this part is deformed forward or backward. This is why you have to fix this problem with different length of the nozzle, even when you use same replicas, there are always different ideal lengths of the nozzles. The advantages of plastic moldings are mostly low cost of making difficult shapes and huge manufacturing capacity option.

But we came with solution. We made our own tappet plate made from one piece of POM material, which is very resilient and flexible. Thanks to the CNC milling, this tappet plate is completely perpendicular (90° angle) in front part, without any kind of shape deformations. Disadvantage of CNC milling is high price and lower manufacturing capacity per day.

This video proves the flexibility of our tappet plate from POM material:

You can also see on this picture the perfect angle of our CNC POM Tappet Plate:

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