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New 7075 CNC nozzles

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New 7075 CNC nozzles

27. 11. 2016

With our new CNC lathe, we can finally start production of high quality parts. First of this new parts are new nozzles sized from 19,8mm to 26mm by 0,1mm lenght distance.

This nozzle are manufactured from EN AW 7075 material. They have one O ring sealing with best performance downforce of O ring sealing to piston head, so move of the nozzle is now without problems, even without using lubricasion or vaseline. If we would do groove for two O rings, the nozzle would become larger (and with that, there would be problems and stucks in some Hop-Up chambers) and there would be risk of breaking the nozzle, because of thin wall of the nozzle. So one O ring sealing is fine enough.

Next prevention think of breaking nozzle is anodizing. Because of thin walls on nozzles, we can’t anodize them, anodizing them could end in breaking of this new nozzles (as it happend in the past), so the surface of our new nozzles is treated by preserving oil, what will prevent oxidation of material. O ring is fitted in manufacturing process.

New nozzles are now manufacturing, and they will be available on our internet store soon

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