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Expanding production

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Expanding production

20. 07. 2018

Dear fans, customers It is almost half of an year since our last moving into the bigger area, which started in the end of the 2017 and now its time to make another step forward. We are expaning our production capacities. Through year of 2018, we started reconstruction of our own store and this store should be opened in the September. Another important thing is, that we built our own sandblasting workshop, where we can sandblast our milled products, which need to have matt color in the end of manufacturing process, for example: outer barrels, cnc recievers and products from our another brand – The GunDocthor (products from GunDocthor store are only for real firearms), or if we need to sandblast another of any of our cooperation products.

New milling machine is also on the way from the USA and we are expecting arrival in the Czech Republic in July. This would be a reason of delaying our production, since we need to do a little sorting of our CNC machines (2x CNC milling machine and 1x CNC lathe). Next important news are implementation of a robotic arm for 24/7 production with automatic replacing of the material in the CNC machine.

This robotic arm can opperate without person and will also speed up our capacity for 50%, so we could expand our products and spare parts offer for airsoft replicas in stock. With expanding our manufacturing capacity, we will also start to accepting OEM orders for all common or uncommon products.

See you soon on another news from our factory.


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