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Destroying gearbox by cylinder head

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Destroying gearbox by cylinder head

08. 02. 2020

Sometimes we got a complaints about our CNC milled gearboxes, where you describe problems with Maxx cylinder heads (and other cylinder heads with frontal shock absorbing pads). And the problems are broken pins, which hold cylinder heads in the gearboxes. We are aware of this and so we started a little research about this. The conclusion is, that the problem is not in the gearbox, but in the construcion and design of Maxx cylinder head.

You could say that this is a good idea, but terrible design of cylinder head, where you put a soft rubber pad on the front of the cylinder head, which has the work as a shock absorber in the gearbox.

The problem is after you press the rubber pad, the edge of the cylinder head is moved back, behind the space for cylinder head pins and after some shots, the pins are cutted off.



You can see a position hole of Maxx and SHS cylinder head on the picture and you can clearly see, that the space for the cylinder head is not compatible with the position of sockets of the cylinder head in the gearbox and this is the reason why the pins cut off.

This is the reason, why we will not accept warranty claims on broken/cutted cylinder head pins in the gearboxes.

We strongly recommend using common standard cylinder heads, or removing rubber shock absorbing pads and changing them for plastic or metal ones. This solves the problem, where you can destroy cylinder head pins during shooting (and pressing the rubber pad). These pins are not reinforced or strengthened, these pins are only for positioning of the cylinder heads.


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